This lecture showcases the versatility of Straumann's contemporary restorative solutions for patients with single tooth or partially edentulous spaces, fully edentulous arches, and complex head and neck defects. We will emphasize long-term biological stability, predictability of treatment outcomes, and improved practice profitability. Topics addressed include surgical planning options, provisional and definitive restorations, and the latest advancements in digital solutions.
Learning Objectives:
At the conclusion of this presentation, participants should be able to:
Implement advanced and diverse restorative techniques into clinical practice to improve treatment predictability and efficiency.
Have confidence in pre-surgical prosthetic planning to optimize implant placement and facilitate successful restorative outcomes.
Integrate advanced provisionalization techniques into private practice with simplification.
Evaluate the benefits of digital solutions within the Straumann Digital Workflow, including options for surgical planning, provisional and definitive restorations.
Evaluate the suitability of definitive restorative approaches for achieving optimal long-term function, stability, and patient satisfaction, based on biomechanical principles underlying various restorative designs.