Assistant Professor University of Maryland Medical Center Baltimore, Maryland
As the incidence of head and neck cancer has risen due to an increase in oropharyngeal cancer, OMSs will encounter patients seeking dental rehabilitation after undergoing complex reconstructive procedures, head and neck radiation, or both. This course will explore the challenges of dental implant placement in patients who have undergone treatment for head and neck cancer to equip OMSs with the knowledge and tools to optimize treatment, mitigate risks and deliver the best possible outcomes. Discussions will review the pathophysiology of radiation on the jaw bone as well as provide a comprehensive summary of the current literature on dental implant placement in radiated patients. In addition, case presentations with a focus on pre-implant assessment, bone augmentation techniques and surgical management will outline successful outcomes and pitfalls learned from challenging cases.
Learning Objectives:
At the conclusion of this presentation, participants should be able to:
Describe the pathophysiology of radiation on the jaw bone as well as osteoradionecrosis.
Explain how to counsel patients regarding the risks, benefits and expected outcomes of dental implant placement in the radiated jaw.
Demonstrate dental implant placement and manage complications in head and neck cancer patients.